Browse courses

Every decision your business makes must ultimately have a financial imperative. While not everything you do has to reap immediate rewards, each decision should feed into a long-term plan for delivering success, whether it builds skills and experience or reputation and renown.

Our Commercial Awareness courses aim to demystify financial jargon, and help delegates to focus on bottom line success. By understanding the business’ financial situation and how your actions fit into long-term planning, you can make informed decisions that deliver genuine value.

Our courses help to develop financial skills at all levels, regardless of your responsibilities. From Financial Management for Non-Finance Managers, Directors and Senior Managers to Financial Planning & Budgeting, we’ll help you to discuss and develop your finances with confidence.

Commercial Awareness courses

Financial Management for Non-Finance Managers

This course is ideal for anyone who requires an understanding of basic financial principles and financial information. The skills taught by this course will help you to better understand finance as it applies to businesses, and inform better decision making on a day-to-day basis.

Every decision a business makes potentially impacts on its finances - making an understanding of finances and accounting critical at almost every level. Our Financial Management Course for Non Finance Managers course helps to demystify accounting and finance, while providing a broad understanding of how financial management works. 

You’ll learn why financial records are maintained, the importance of accounting systems, key financial terminology, and an overview of financial statements. Delegates will discuss a range of topics, using practical examples and exercises to help embed new skills.

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Financial Planning and Budgeting

This course is ideal for business managers who do not have an accountancy or finance background, and want to better understand how their work impacts budgets.

Budgeting plays a key role in business planning, enabling you to monitor performance and keep an eye out for ‘danger signs’. Without it, you can easily find yourself missing key indicators that something is wrong, and finding yourself in an unnecessary hole.

Our Financial Planning & Budgeting course will help delegates to prepare budgets and make informed budgeting decisions. By the end of the course, you’ll be able to effectively discuss financial information with business partners and colleagues, and make decisions based on practical knowledge and proper planning.

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Finance for Non-Financial Directors & Senior Managers

This course is ideal for anyone with a formal responsibility for financial performance, including directors, senior managers and proprietors.

Despite having a responsibility for key decision making within an organisation, many directors and senior managers lack even a basic understanding of finance. Without it, you may be making decisions that jeopardise your financial security, or unnecessarily causing issues for your financial director and other staff.

Our Finance for Non-Financial Directors and Senior Managers course is designed specifically for non-finance directors and senior managers. It will help to demystify the world of finance, giving delegates the confidence and ability to assess the financial health of any organisation, and implement the right solutions. 

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